TThe Church of Jesus The Christ
To The Father's praise and glory
Days of Elijah
These are the days of Elijah
The days of The Latter Day rain
Days foretold down the ages
Before the Lord comes again
Fire from heaven descending
Great joy in the house of The Lord
Where every knee bows to Jehovah
In God’s armour all in one accord
Praising the name of Christ Jesus
Wielding the two edge sword
These the promised days of Elijah
Trumpet the coming day of The Lord
Healing the sick and the dying
Touching the blind and the lame
Feeding the hungry and thirsty
Many lives will not be the same
For these are the days of Elijah
Days of heaven’s fire and the flame
Water and fire brought together
In the days of the latter day rain
Helen Arnold
" Proclaiming The Gospel
of Our Lord Jesus Christ
To the four corners of the world"
Telling of God's goodness
His mercy and His love
The Word of God,His truth unfurled
Healing the broken hearted
Feeding the hungry and the poor
God's Kingdom come
Nothing is more sure
Healing the sick
And raising the dead
In Holy Spirit power
All His people are led
The Doors of Heaven
are still open
By The Lord who opens windows
no man can close, and who
Closes doors no man can open
The King is Coming
And The Bride prepares herself
To receive The Bridegroom
Sooner than you think !
We invited the wedding guests
But many didn't hear
From the greatest to the least
So we took to the market place
And the hungry and the thirsty
Came flocking to the feast
Mathew 22:2-14
The Lord is preparing His Church during these troubled times that they may know that in Christ Jesus all is well, as it is written. Hallelujah
Thanks be to GOD
Jesus Said
" Feed My Sheep "
Jesus Promised
"I will restore all things"
His Earnest Desire
"Hearken unto My word"
That the desires of your heart
may be given unto you
Real beauty is all around us
Beauty that is seen within the heart
Through fronds of silvery shadows
Then as The Spirit doth impart
The treasure God planted in us
The silver then turns to gold
As the child of God is blessed,
With peace and love untold
Have a beautiful day!
What is a church?
According to the Oxford dictionary
" A Building for Christian worship
Whole body or sect of Christians"
A Christian
"A follower of Jesus Christ,
Relating to Christ and HIS teachings"
Which embrace the teachings given to Moses
" A belief system in the worship of a supernatural power, not necessarily
based in truth, God's word, or Jesus Christ.
The End Time Church
Strong belief in The Holy Bible. has complete trust and confidence in THE LORD GOD. Walks in signs and wonders and works within the foundational teachings
of Almighty GOD.
Its structure is built on the corner stone of Christ
It has Apostles - Prophets - Evangelists
Pastors and Teachers.
Jesus Christ and His Kingdom is about
Relationship not Religion
Relationship is precious, perfect and complete.
Jehovah God is Holy
"In The Beginning GOD"
Do not be deceived 'one' is coming very soon to declare himselfThe Messiah. The Abomination of Desolation that follows will bring the return ofJesus The KIng with His Army from heaven to meet up with His Army on earth. The enemy will be bound and cast into the pit, him and his minions. The Millenium reign will officially begin then and not before unless the time has to be cut short.